Although it has similarities with Hendon it is quite complementary with more emphasis on the Cold War and a differnt range of aircraft. The TSR2 is particualrly impressive. I didn't take many pictures as there was so many traders and society stands around.
Obviously for an aviation museum most of the stands are aviation related, but it's always useful to look at the broader aspects of the hobby. I have to build a P38 Lightning in the Aegean for this years big game, but I haven't been able to find any references, I tried the booksellers, but no luck except for a very expensive sealed copy, but then near end I found a copy of the relevant Ospey Aircraft of the Aces for sale on one of the club stands, sucess!
I also picked up the new Zvezda 20mm German flak and Russian 37mm AA, and they are nice crisp models. I think they will jump the painting schedule!
Rather than head straight home I popped along to Wroxeter to look at the new Roman villa.
I was a bit dissapointed, but I think this was due to have been been to Pompey/Herculaneum recently. It certainly helps people to understand the site.