So, you saw this lawsuit, right? I feel like at least one of the people whose name appears in the complaint has diligently studied this article of mine.
I'm no lawyer, but it looks like the people who are in the deepest 'ish' are West and Zampella, if Activision turns out to be able to prove any of this. And I am told little off-the-record anecdotes by people who would know that seem to suggest that the behavior on their part -- specifically as concerns being difficult to Activision and Treyarch -- is at least plausible.
I have seen Jason West in person only once in my life; it was at Bungie's Halo Reach booth, where he was shuttling in to see a private demo.
But, you know, I don't know. Numerous lines in these legal documents are redacted, primarily to protect EA, according to the notes on them, but Activision is promising to try to get that information unsealed. Surely all of the facts remain to be determined by a court. It's unseemly for a member of the press to armchair-speculate. But you guys can do that all you want!
ANYWAY. Tension between Activision and EA has been brewing for some time and becomes increasingly uglier. This is the ugliest yet. So! It's time to choose your sides. Who is the evillest empire?!
Renowned academic, designer and satirist Ian Bogost, of Cow Clicker fame, is offering Facebook users the opportunity to show, via bovine demonstration, which side you support in this battle royale. Do you work best in an environment of "pessimism and fear", or do you like "a mean BBQ"? Which of these two execs really got the horns put on him when West and Zampella Respawned?
"Today we settle disputes in the courtroom or the boardroom," said Bogost, speaking exclusively to SVGL. "But in different times men clicked to the death to resolve their differences. Thanks to the power of the Web, once again we can let the people decide! Click your cow to victory! Click it for democracy and truth and justice! Click!"
Play Cow Clicker, pick either Bobby Kowtick or John Riccowtiello and show your support. On Facebook. Which is about being social and sharing your feelings on things, right?
PS: Cow Clicker was named one of 2010's top 10 Cult Hits on today's Gamasutra top five by GD Mag editor Brandon Sheffield.
PPS: This cowfight may or may not have been my idea